Data Freedom
Host your internet based business at a provider that cares about Customers, and Data Freedom.
At Packet Bunker, we excel and protecting our customers server and data.

Dedicated Metal Servers
Packet Bunker dedicated servers are for clients that prefer single tenant hardware solutions for the ultimate control in security and resource control. All dedicated servers are bare-metal solutions and our clients are given full IPMI/KVM access to all servers allowing for full customization of the server including whole disk encyption and self service os reinstalls.
Virtual Private Servers
Packet Bunker virtual server are for clients that do not need an entire servers resources, or have the budget for an entire server. You choose the exact resources that you want. For those who need a true virtual machine, choose a KVM based Virtual Machine or spin up a LXC container in a matter of seconds preinstalled with all the software you need. We even have Windows Virtual Machines for those users who prefer Windows.